What to Expect
Hey, everyone! Writer here. Just wanted to make this page to make sure that people understand what to expect when interacting or following Villanite. This page should be considered a living document as it may change as time goes by, either by content being added, removed, or changed based on Villanite’s relationship and exposure to the mass public.
Please note that if you have no problems with Villanite, himself, and would prefer not to have the immersion broken any further, I’d actually recommend you stop reading now and just continue to support him in your own way.
Writer is not Villanite
Firstly, Aries Villanite is a fictional character. He is dark-skinned, golden-eyed, seven feet tall, and an intergalactic, interdimensional space adventurer. He is not a reflection nor representation of any real person. He is meant to be a villain through and through and intentionally meant to stir feelings of uncertainty, concern, and disdain through his actions, habits, and severe lack of morality or decency.
If you cannot dissociate the fictional state of a character from your perception of myself or those who support me, I highly recommend you block Villanite on all social media platforms that you find him on. Above all else, in my content creation, my concern is your comfort, and if your comfort requires that you not follow or support Villanite, not only will I not hold that against you, but I encourage you avoid Villanite entirely.
Taboo Content
A lot–but not all–of the content I write is done in pursuit of understanding and shedding light on the traumatic things people go through. Putting Villanite in the role of the antagonist allows me and, in some cases, my writing partner to safely control a potentially traumatic situation that one or more of us may have experienced at some point in life.
You will find topics in my writing related to traumatic and dark themes. I will do my best to include appropriate trigger warnings at the top of each story. If I miss something, I apologize and would greatly appreciate it if you reached out so I can correct the mistake as quickly as possible.
I am a huge proponent of mental health awareness and a big supporter of open communication. I strongly feel that every time we treat something as “Taboo” or “Wrong,” all we accomplish by doing this is making the victims of these situations feel like they are now officially part of that very same label. In my years, I have met many people who were molested as children and explored the topic through role-playing because they have been made to believe that the situation they were put into was their fault or something they shouldn’t talk about openly.
Can you imagine going through such a life-changing, painful situation and being told that you’re not allowed to talk about it or process it in your way because it’s disgusting, wrong, inappropriate, or makes others uncomfortable? Knowing that if you told someone about the pain you’re in or that you want to process it in a healthy, non-harmful way, you’d immediately lose friends and be told that you’re messed up in the head is difficult to live with. Imagine being led to believe that you shouldn’t exist because of something that happened to you.
All that leads to is bottling up these emotions and keeping them internalized, eventually letting them build and build until they burst out in an unhealthy way. Anyone who refuses to believe that a victim’s trauma can lead to repetition of that trauma towards another victim is in total denial. So why wouldn’t we give these victims a safe, accepting, and understanding environment to explore these traumas without creating more victims?
If I have to be seen as the ‘bad guy’ to help the people who have suffered and give them a safe place to be and understand themselves, I will gladly take on that title.
In closing, if you genuinely can’t find a way to agree with my approach and would rather avoid me entirely, I understand completely. However, if you want to contribute to this community built around acceptance, understanding, and comfort, please check out Avinadal. We would love to have you.