My Approach to Role-Play
When it comes to RPing as Aries, I prefer to stay away from his canon universe and stick to an AU version explicitly made for RP. The initial origins of his AU story share some similarities to his canon story, but the story changes pretty drastically pretty quickly.
If you want to read the AU version’s backstory, you’ll find it below, but to be honest, it's really not all that important for people to know Aries' backstory to interact with him, and I'm personally not a fan of overly-lengthy discussion before starting an RP. A story loses all the luster if I plan a scenario out too much and know what will happen.
That being said, this page is dedicated to keeping track of the development of Aries’ unique RP-oriented universe and lore and can be used to learn all about him, his organizations, and his relationships. Why write all this if I don’t want to encourage people to read it? It’s fun, and some people might find it fun to read. If you do, let me know~!
Directly below this, you’ll also find a list of notes to consider when RPing with me and some personal preferences on particular approaches to interacting with me and RPing with me. I'm always happy to meet new people and love all kinds of interactions. If you want to DM me on Discord, my username is Villanite. Please don't be too shy to add or message me. We can set up a server to RP or have fun, casual RP in DMs. I'm also a huge fan of random starters, so feel free to send one over if you already have one typed up.
I am not my character; you are not yours. We are writing fictional stories. Please don't construe them as anything more than that.
I am not obligated to interact or RP with you because you messaged or added me. I’m sorry; not every interaction leads to a perfect friendship.
Aries is evil. Keep that in mind, please. Dead Dove, so to speak.
Aries' dimension is totally under his control. Please be aware of this if your character enters it.
Aries and Arielle are two different characters in RP, but I do RP Arielle. Feel free to ask if you want me to use her for our RP.
Due to the limited time I have to commit to RP, I'm pretty selective about my RP, so please don't take it personally if I decide I don't want to RP with you.
While I'm not necessarily looking to have a bunch of RP partners (I don't have the mental capacity for that), please note that unless otherwise specified, any RP with Aries is done in its own self-contained AU from all the others.
Please do not rush me or press me for replies. My life can get very suddenly busy from time to time. If I have to stop an RP, I will tell you.
I spend most of my Friday nights on VRChat. Consider this an FYI and a passive invitation if you want to hang out there.
I have a stressful job and live a busy life. I RP just for fun. If you do anything to make it less fun or if you like to yuk people's yums just because you have weird insecurities to work through, I will block you and move on.
I prefer RPing with OCs over Fan-Fic Characters. I’m sorry, but Fan-Fic Characters will likely take the backseat to my RP with Original Characters. Fan-Fic Characters will also never be featured on this page.
As a personal preference, I like to use AI-generated images for all Role-Play-related activities. As such, you will see nothing but AI-generated images in this section except for logos and graphic art created solely by me or those I RP with.
Finally, I want to mention something too wordy to be included in the rules list. Despite item #1 above, I also understand that RP is often an outlet for trauma and difficult emotions. Sometimes, while we joke about and can be dismissive about our "dark themes," we tend to forget that these are heavy topics for us, even if we act like they aren't. Because of that (and because I'm a massive proponent of healthy communication), I am a big fan of having an 'aftercare-style' moment after any kind of intense and dark RP scenario to discuss and reflect. I'm not saying that if you RP an SA scene with me, I'm going to force you into a voice call to talk about your feelings, but I do think it's at least worth acknowledging that we created something very dark together and that these kinds of things, and the enjoyment of them, don't come out of nowhere.
I hope this makes sense or resonates with someone, at least.
RP Hooks
Below are a few bullet points that you could use as story hooks. Feel free to send me a starter based on them if one stands out to you!
Aries is a slut and thus has an indeterminate number of offspring throughout the multi-verse. If you want to RP as one of them, let's chat!
Aries is always looking for new servants to help maintain his castle. There are roles of all kinds open and available. I will try to update this page when certain roles are taken, but please consider everything as an option for the time being.
Aries loves to torture and bully people; especially people he finds attractive or if he comes to learn that they enjoy the treatment. Aries’ bullying can vary from basic sexual teasing to violent and bloody shows of affection.
Aries’ aura is challenging for most creatures to ignore, even if someone is not particularly magically sensitive. His presence often makes people feel something akin to a mild fight-or-flight response at first, but if someone has darker inclinations or interests in their hearts, they can usually feel a unique pull to Aries.
Aries’ aura feels like invisible tendrils wrapping around people, luring them towards him either by drawing their attention to him, or simply by making them feel like their darkest thoughts and desires are suddenly acceptable.
Aries is the Don of the organization known as the Nox Syndicate. This conglomerate of inter-dimensional companies and crime families is primarily run by Kiriko, the Chief Executive Officer of the syndicate, but Aries is the final say on all matters. Rumor has it that Kiriko is looking to retire and enjoy her life with her wife, but has been struggling to find a replacement for herself who she feels is worthy.
While establishing footholds in a number of dimensions, Aries has come to be known as the “Dark Lord” of various realms and regularly has “Destined Heroes” from these realms challenging him. Aries often puts these heroes through awful situations, most often resulting in their deaths or their shift to serve him instead.
The event that granted Aries his ability to travel the multi-verse is theorized to have also taken many other child experiments, likely granting them similar abilities. Many existing divinities may also originate from this same paradoxical event.
Aries’ body is fundamentally engineered to take over any planet’s population.
His sweat, saliva, tears, and pre-ejaculate are all packed with pheromones that encourage reproduction and arousal while also providing consumers with a high similar to a very mild form of ecstasy.
His urine carries many of the same attributes carried by the above, but does so in a much more subdued form. The most interesting aspect of his urine is the honey-like flavor and scent that it gives carries, no matter what he consumes.
His seed is extraordinarily potent and can ensure pregnancy with the smallest amount, barring any external factors that may prevent conception. The potency of his seed has been known to cause climax with a single taste.
His blood can infect people, shifting their bodies to align with his genetic code or outright killing them if their bodies are unable to handle the strain. People who taste his blood are often seen becoming addicted to it with a hunger that even vampires have been known to avoid as they consider the strength of his blood’s pull to be a risk not worth taking.
Aries has an enormous number of bounties on him throughout many known dimensions.
I do have a dedicated group RP server for RP that takes place in Aries’ personal pocket dimension. That RP server has an assortment of many kinks out on open and casual display, however, and many can be very taboo and triggering to some people.
If you are interested in joining, please bring it up to me so that we can chat about that. Otherwise, we can always stick to casual DM RP or make a 1-on-1 server for us to RP in privately.
The Organizations
Below is a list of organizations Aries has founded or is in total control over. These organizations can often come up during RP.
During his adventures, Aries founded an interdimensional empire known as the Empire of Avinadal. His empire is primarily run and maintained by Amelie Villanite as the High Empress of Avinadal, but Aries handles most matters related to expansion, war, and rebellions.
While Aries’ dimension is considered the empire’s official throne world, the political capital is located on the planet of Plasid where Amelie lives and rules over the capital nation of Markovia.
Arguably spurred by his worship kinks, Aries’ escapades have left a trail of followers in various dimensions. His most devout followers have established an interdimensional order of worshipers known as the Order of the Nesur, in reference to the symbol that Aries marks his favorite followers with.
The order has an internal ranking system and is primarily led by his most loyal follower, Arielle Villanite, the High Cardinal of the Nesur, who carries the Nesur on her chest as a bioluminescent marking that glows brighter when Aries is nearby.
While the Empire and the Order handle Aries’ political and religious ventures, the Nox Syndicate manages his various business ventures. Ingrained deeply into the corporate and criminal sides of business in multiple dimensions, the Nox Syndicate has its tendrils in many governments that fall out of the Empire’s general rule.
The Syndicate has a variety of CEOs and Bosses who all report to Kiriko Villanite, the High Boss of the Nox Syndicate. Kiriko is known for letting most of her direct reports manage themselves but often travels between dimensions to keep tabs on as much as possible.
Aries Villanite
Emperor of Avinadal, Lord of the Nesur, Don of the Nox Syndicate, Divine Beast of Primordial Abyss
Aries Villanite was born as the research project of a madman seeking to give shape to the power-hungry voices in his head. He and countless other children had lives filled with manipulation, experimentation, and modifications forced onto their bodies. However, As Aries grew older, his patience for his Great Father’s experiments grew thinner and thinner, especially since they weren’t only physical or scientific. They would separate the children, execute them, torture them, and demean them, performing psychological and traumatizing experiments to monitor their reactions and development in the face of this adversity.
In his early life, Aries never understood why his loved ones would sometimes vanish from his life. He was told that this was the way of the world and that loss was inevitable, but something didn’t sit right with him. When he gained access to the files of the scientists controlling his life, his thirst for blood became unquenchable.
Aries rallied the other subjects in an uprising, leading a rebellion and slaughtering countless scientists and guards in the process. Unfortunately, that was when the so-called Great Father showed the depths of his true nature. The subjects following Aries began to die en mass due to the Great Father’s killswitch, a contingency plan for this situation.
What the Great Father didn’t predict, however, was the genetic removal of his killswitch in a handful of subjects. Rage fueled the last remaining subjects as they tore through the remaining facility and hunted down the Great Father.
Aries and the others cornered the Great Father in the station’s power reactor, a complex machine utilizing quantum-level space manipulation to generate power. The Great Father meant to use the machine’s volatility as a shield, ensuring the subjects that if he died, the machine would explode and rip them apart on a quantum level. Just as he was finished making his threat, however, Aries charged at him, slammed his golden claws into the Great Father’s chest, and crushed his heart as the two of them fell into the reactor.
Aries awoke alone in a jungle soon after. He could find no evidence of the Great Father, the facility, or his siblings. Aries spent the next few years alone in this jungle, learning to survive and exploring his surroundings.
Eventually, he learned that he was on an island, and after his third year, he began having dreams about the reactor. Every night, he would have the same dream of staring at the reactor’s core, watching its beautiful blue glow slowly get consumed by dark tendrils. It took a while, but he eventually noticed these tendrils were coming from him. One night, the darkness entirely consumed the core before exploding in a brilliant golden light.
When Aries woke up, he was in an alleyway in a busy city. After startling some locals, Aries eventually learned that he was in a city he had never heard of. Reports of a suspicious person led the local law enforcement to look for him. Aries tried to talk to them, but his gray skin, golden claws, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and black sclera unsettled these humanoids. They chose to shoot the monster rather than communicate with it.
Aries narrowly avoided the gunshots, and as he began running away, his hand began to glow. With a lunge forward, he was once more enveloped in a golden light, then suddenly found himself back on his jungle island, just as he had left it.
After this, Aries began practicing this new ability and eventually learned that he could teleport himself to different dimensions and that his body adapted to any place he went. To an extent. While language barriers didn’t exist for him, his body was often seen as a frightening sight, depending on where he went.
Aries has been wandering the dimensions for many years now. On his island, he has built a massive castle in the center of the jungle. He has also used his longevity and powers to amass vast wealth in various dimensions, becoming the CEO of several companies and even the head of a handful of crime families. He now travels through dimensions to find entertainment and, occasionally, companions to bring back to his island.
Treasured Relationships
The section below is dedicated to the precious and wonderful souls willing to RP with me and have characters who have marked their place as permanent parts of Aries’ RP-oriented lore. Please note that while I generally try to avoid RPing other peoples’ characters, these characters may be mentioned or pop up briefly from time to time in any RP with Aries.
Other Characters
Please note that Aries is my primary RP character, and all the other characters I may write for are exclusively created to revolve around him and his lore and are likely to appear during any RP with Aries. I’m also willing to RP them alone if you want to interact with them directly without Aries. Please note that these characters are likely to be from Aries’ canon lore, and their descriptions could include spoilers from Aries’ official story.